Now, we are just ready for him to get here. In the same breath, we can't quite fully comprehend what we are about to experience. we will become parents, bringing a baby into this world and home in a matter of days.
Not just any ol' baby, but OUR baby. A new friend from our small group at church just put it in a way that I will never forget and is so true. In regards to what people say about "I hope my baby is good, or I hope my baby sleeps, etc" (sentiments I have certainly thought and expressed!) she said to remember that this baby was perfectly and uniquely designed by God for our family. It is not by accident or chance that this baby is joining our life. He is exactly WHO we are meant to have to make us a family of three. I just love that! And we are THRILLED to meet our little blessing and welcome him into our lives.
12 weeks pregnant
40 weeks pregnant!