Wednesday, September 17, 2008

the big 2-8

Thank you to everyone who made me feel SO special on my birthday! I have the best FAMILY and FRIENDS, I really do :) I had flowers delivered to my classroom by both my husband himself (so cute, my students went nuts!) and a flower man with another beautiful bouquet (thanks Harvey's!) I had a box waiting at the doorstep with fabulous items inside (an amazing bluetooth speaker for my car, not an ear piece! a bottle of my fave wine, and a supply of home-made choc chip scones!) Thanks Sis and Robert! I have such amazing in-laws! I found another fabulous card in the mail with some moola from my mama and bonus dad (bd), and a fun shirt and sweet card in a package from CP! Not to mention numerous texts, emails, and phone calls showing the love. All in one day!! :) We are celebrating with friends this weekend by going out to dinner, and I am looking forward to it!

So, my birthday present from Matt (and myself!) was to get custom, built-in closets. They were actually installed on my birthday, and it ended up being a of of work! We have virtually no storage and needed to be able to use every inch of space in the closet! :)

here is the empty closet. i forgot to take a true "before" picture, and I realized this after everything was already out of the closet. I told Matt we needed to put everything back in, so I could snap a shot...he didn't go for it.

soooo...i settled for just taking pics of all the crap in the living room!

i couldn't believe how much stuff kept coming out...yikes.

we were able to get rid of these...(hello, college? plastic drawers!)

we took a break to go out to a birthday dinner! all dressed up in our sweats :)

my side...

matt's side...

the middle...tons of shelves for storage behind that wall! (all the shelves are full now!)

my husband...

...and me, being a silly 28 year old now!

It feels so good to be organized!


Melissa Abby said...

Happy Birthday Whit!! I am so jealous of your closets. Chad still has those sweet plastic drawers in his closet...yuck!

potsy said...
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Anonymous said...

Your closet pictures are wonderful Whitney...looks like you had a great day for yourself! It's a LOT of hard work being organized....just ask an unorganized person!

Love you two!
Stalker Mom xoxoxo

Mackenzie said...

i never thought i would say this about a closet but it's beautiful!! what a fabulous birthday present!

love you whit ;)

Anonymous said...

Love the new closets! yay!