we are reading "Freedom Writer's Diary"...most days i read aloud. (yes, even 8th graders like to be read to!) some days, certain periods, kids like to take turns reading aloud. they ALL listen, it's awesome.
my students journal every day. they write down a quote I put on the board, and can free-write about anything! i don't read them, they are private journals [unless they ask me to] i just give them points monthly for writing.
meet sweet and hilarious miss lorena. i love this girl. she brightens my day.
one angle of my classroom from the computer side. i need to take more pictures of my actual room.
my 2nd period, A day [huge class as you can tell and there are kids absent here!] disclaimer: squinting into the sun with reading glasses on=not a good picture. also, it was "college shirt" day hence the outfit.
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does this count as wearing your uniform? haha. (and no hats aloud. oops.)
honestly, i am happy when he comes to school! who cares about a dumb shirt, it is the least of his problems. i love this child.
hope you liked my mini-tour. maybe i will do another one sometime later this year!
Why'd you have to remind me of work on a day when there wasn't any?
I love it Whitney! I think you should take more pictures from your work. It's great seeing you "in action". That's a side I would have never gotten to see unless you would consider taking me on as a new student in your class! (I can't promise that I wouldn't be disruptive though...that description has followed me from my past when I DID go to Roosevelt!)
Stalker Mom xoxoxo
if i took pictures of people at work everyone would be begging me to delete them!
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