Sunday, May 17, 2009

the home stretch

i am back from the east coast trip, slept half the weekend and played half the weekend (nice combo) and not quite ready to go back to work tomorrow. i believe people who talk about jet-lag now. man, it jacks you up! well, plus a crazy-packed week seeing every sight to see in DC and a mini new york visit...getting 4 hours of sleep per night and going non-stop all day! that might have had something to do with it also.

i honestly can't believe we only have 4 weeks of school left. testing is done, it really is the home stretch. i am excited for summer but really going to miss this group of students...i love them! we will see if i love them when i get to school tomorrow and assess the damage done after an entire week of subs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Were the "kids" good while you were away??

Stalker Mom xoxoxoxo