Friday, July 3, 2009

like a glove

i was so proud of my parallel park job, i had to bust out my phone and take a picture so i could remember it always. and i'd be lying if i said i didn't also fully plan to brag to matt about it with photo evidence. i got in the spot the first try. both cars were still there when i was ready to leave and that was a different story. it took about 78 point turns to get out. for your viewing pleasure:


krista said...

i take pride in my parallel parking skills and i have to say...that is an amazing job. nicely done :)

Anne said...

Nice job!!! That is one thing I am glad that I don't have to do on a regular basis, because I absolutely SUCK at it. I remember a time when the girls lived on Udall that I had to parallel park... on a hill... it took all of our energy and a lot of laughter before we finally got into that spot.

Anonymous said...

So that's what it takes to live in the big city.....
naw....I like living in our quiet little town!
I don't need anymore of that parallel parking stuff!

Love you guys!
Stalker Mom