(insert obligatory 'wow-i-really-suck-at-blogging-lately' comment.)
i'm really not fishing for any encouragement in the form of a comment from my faithful blog followers. just wanted to remember what it felt like to hit 'create new post' button :)
i'm thinking about gettin' back to bloggin'. no expectations, no 'i have to post twice per week' thoughts. just when i: a.) have the time, and b.) have something to share.
i'm loving every minute spent with my hubs and sweet babe and enjoying some freedom from the computer when i'm home. the whole going back to work thing sucks. it really, really does.
5 Glorious Years!
11 months ago
Hey you...give yourself a break! Being a wife, and and now a mom and back in the working world..that's a lot to take on kiddo!
Your ever-faithful reader xoxoxo
Wedgie Grandma :o)
that's how i blog, whit. there is no "right" way to blog ;)
Kenz is right. There is no right way, and if you try to make a schedule or something you'll start to hate it. We'll keep checking back till we get a treat! :) xxx
Whitney... I always check in and what a wonderful surprise to see your posts. I saw Anjuli's comment to you and that being said, I'm clearly a stalker, too! The harmless blog and Facebook kind. =) I haven't updated my blog since the night before we went back to school and work... August 15th. I completely understand. Enjoy the special and the every-day-ordinary moments with your sweet boys! ♥ Heather
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