So, neither one of us have been big on New Year's resolutions in the past. We decided that the cliche' "we are going to work out and get in shape" would suit us perfectly. Matt wanted to start training for his annual Rock n' Roll marathon this June, and I just plain needed to stop being lazy and find a way to get some energy! I bought Matthew a new Ipod and an armband for working out--he was so excited! We also went to RoadRunner and both got a new pair of shoes. That is always inspiring for me when I get new comfy fabulous running shoes! My friend Kim told me that it takes 21 days to form a habit, so we are almost into the habit of eating healthier and working out!!! We also made a rule where we are only going to eat out on Friday and Saturday nights, and cook at home Sun-Thursday. That should help the finances also. We've tried this one before and always fall back into a pattern of eating out more than we should! We weighed ourselves when we started this new "us" so we will see how that changes as time goes on. So, here's the breakdown thus far:
Matthew's progress:
1. Going to the gym and lifting
2. Building up the length of his runs
3. Eating healthier!
Whitney's Progress:
1. Taking a class at the gym that thoroughly kicked my butt (still sore and going to go back)
2. Going to spin class with Kim and Karly, another butt-kicker! Photo documentation below of the girls and I in spin class!!
3. Eating healthier!