Thursday, March 13, 2008


matt and i both found out today that we will be receiving pink slips from the district...strickly based on the number of years we have in the district. apparantly 5 years isn't enough to give us job security. we are a little shocked and don't really know what this all means. we have to go through an appeal process, etc and i have no idea at this point if we will be teachers next year. we are going to try to stay positive because they have to "over pink slip" and then hire back. we might be okay. more to follow, but just wanted to share my a-little-bit-sad heart.


Mackenzie said...

that sucks, whit. i'll be praying for you guys...

on a happier note, i'm hoping we'll get to see you this weekend when we're down. it'll be crazy for us as usual but i'm planning on making plenty of time to spend time with my girls!! i've missed you all so much!

Sis said...

Oh you guys--
My heart aches for you both. I will keep positive thoughts right along with you. I don't know what else to say...just wish I could "fix" it.

Love you very much,
Mom Rochin