Sunday, August 31, 2008


Here is my Matt's says "Discipline. Integrity. Respect." Oh such important virtues.

I encountered a hiccup to put it nicely at school when we reported back this year. In short, my principal pulled a fast one on me and it was not cool. One of the main reasons I wanted to stay in 8th grade again this year is because I loved my team. We have interdisciplinary teams, and you work verrrrry closely with these people all year long, share students, reward systems, meet weekly as a team, home visits, etc! Did I say I loved my team?

I get a phone call as I am driving to work (7:30 on the day we report back) and it is my principal telling me she has switched me and the other ATL teacher, and now I am on the other team. Followed by an annoying, "so, that's a good thing right? I thought you would be happy!" NO. The answer to that was no, and at least I let her know I was not happy. I am getting better and better as I age at standing up for myself or for what's right, even if it means a little conflict. She didn't bother to tell me the reason, or ask me if I was okay with the switch, she called to tell me it was a done deal and gave me no notice to prepare (aside from the remaining 3 minutes of my drive to school.)

The thing is, I knew exactly the reason why she did this...2 teachers on the other team have personal issues with each other and can't get along and work professionally. This is not my problem!! There is more to the story, but the bottom line is I did not feel respected at all, and I lost trust in 2 principal and the other ATL teacher who requested the switch and apparently didn't think it would be a good idea to ask me if I thought that would be okay. However, after 12 hours of being really mad, I now choose to be happy. It is what it is, and I will have a great year regardless. I can get along with pretty much anyone, it too bad others can't. Respect goes SUCH a long way in my book.


Melissa Abby said...

I'm sorry Whit! I had a few lame things like that happen to me in san bernardino and I had no say but since I am more agreeable than all the grouches I had to change. Oh well, it turned out fine, even better in the long run, but I felt pretty disrespected!

On a happier note, I love that we are both married to thirty year olds!!!

...Crystal... said...

Lame! I'm so sorry that happened...especially without warning. I guess it's an indirect compliment to you since you get along with everybody! I hope it all works out. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Wikipedia defines “Whitney” as:
Enthusiasm and excitement with inspiration, motivation, and a huge pinch of creativity. Able to leap tall buildings..., a dynamic mixture of "Discipline, Integrity, Respect." Kick their butts!!

Granted, we don’t know all that is involved in what is going on with you at school, but as we see it, you are seen as a problem solver which would explain your principal’s choice for this team change. However, her actions, in spite of the tactless way she went about making this “broad-side” change on you just proves how much confidence she must have in you. It’s a tough expectation to live up to when people expect so much out of you but you my dear are a shining star, and as I have said before, you do and will make differences in people’s lives.

I love you,
Sis (Mom Rochin) ;o)