Thursday, March 5, 2009

lesson number two

Go after the prize. If it is worth it, and you want it badly enough.

This lesson comes courtesy of Zoe and her faker-ness! She acts like she is about to DIE on a run because she is so tired and seriously lagging.

aaaaaaaaand then she sees a cat up ahead.

in a half a seconds time max, she is no longer behind but quite the opposite. SPRINTING, I mean she turns it on full force ahead. I no longer ever feel sorry for zoe when she is tired because she is such a faker! It just takes a prize worth going after.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like good ol' Zoe would rather be chasing cats than jogging! Just goes to show you that you can't help being passionate about what you love to do most.

Good job Zoe!!

Stalker Mom xoxoxo