i gotta quit watching reality tv.
ok, the only reality tv i watch is the bachelor/bachelorette. but this is getting ridiculous! i don't know what it is about that show that draws me in. maybe i find something enjoyable about watching strangers falling in love with each other in a matter of weeks in exotic places.
i just get too wrapped up in it, and i get all emotional! (no, i know what you're thinking. not because i am pregnant. i was extremely emotional last season of the bachelor and i was not pregnant then!) i am a little sensitive about the emotional thing, considering the other day i cried in the car at a country song i have heard a thousand times. oh brother. but that's another story.
you see, i am a little fired up tonight (hence the blogging) after the finale of the bachelorette because i reeeeally liked the guy who didn't win the girl in the end. i liked him all along (from SD too!) and it came down to him and one other guy (who was also cool) but i just liked the one who didn't win more. so i turn off the tv shocked and bummed and a little mad, because i have been waiting in suspense all week to see who she picked-hoping she picked the 'right' one. as if i know who the right person is for her? hardly.
why am i so upset? i am already married to my best friend and don't have to live her life. and she is totally happy! gosh, the whole thing is just stupid how wrapped up i get, hence back to my point: i think i need to quit watching the show. we will have to see who the next Bachelor is for the next season. i have a feeling i am not going to be able to quit the show.
i suppose there are worse things. maybe i should just get a hold on myself and my emotions.
5 Glorious Years!
10 months ago
Dude, I vote you roll with the pregnancy excuse. That way, you don't look like a giant baby, because you're hormonal and you can't help it.
i'm quitting the bachelor/bachelorette too, from here on out. partly because i get so wrapped up in it (for what reason i'm not sure) and partly because deep down i don't really agree with how these people go about "finding love". there's just something weird about knowingly dating more than 5 guys at once (on national television, no less), especially when they know you are dating that many people too. don't get me wrong, i really like jillian and (unlike you) I was happy that she chose Ed. The whole premise of the show is just strange and i know i wouldn't watch it if i just avoided the first 4 or 5 shows of the season. so that's my plan.
I wanna know what country song made you cry... :)
Consider the show something that takes you out of your own life for 2 hours per week. We all need a little fantasy and to "check out" for a bit:) We all know they will break up in year but its still fun to watch the amazing dates & places they go! Maybe Kiptyn will be the next Bach-uh oh!!
You are TOO funny "little mamma"! Maybe they have a patch you can wear to help you with this addiction! Did you know that Mike tried out for the bachelor show? This was a a few years ago and they asked him to come back for the bachelorette. Just a bit of side info. Have a great weekend my sweetie!!
Big hug!
Stalker Mom xoxoxoxoxo
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